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What's this all about?

At the urging of his close friends, my great-grandfather, Roy Bedichek, wrote a book in 1946 at the ripe age of 68. In it, he turned 30 years of notes about nature and birds, in particular, into a conversational guide to the natural world for the average person. He said he wanted to "inspire more experimentation with nature as a telling my readers what I see, to move them to look in the same encourage others to undertake similar adventures." 


It turned out to be pretty popular. His musings, reflections, enthusiasm & wonderment of the natural world around him accomplished what he had hoped. He inspired folks -- and his writing inspires me, today. I want to look at the world through his eyes. He had a child-like wonder and a realist's view of the changing world and landscape. From cotton production to factory farming, he witnessed and documented the massive changes that occurred from his childhood to his senior years.

Through this blog, I'll travel some of the terrain he traveled over 75 years ago. I'll compare his prophesying to what actually happened. I'll try to find some of the exact trees, pastures, and other sites that he wrote about -- I want to stand where he stood and look where he looked. 


I'll share some of the life lessons & his practices that resonate with me. I'll visit with folks and family along the way to hear his impact on them and to widen the conversation.

I am going on an ADVENTURE WITH A TEXAS NATURALIST and I want to bring you and others along with me. Let's go!

Follow along as we retrace Bedi's 1909 Bike Ride!

On March 22, 1909, twenty-nine-year-old Roy Bedichek began an epic bicycle ride of 983 miles. He rode out of Eddy, Texas at 4:45am and followed the railroad tracks across West Texas to El Paso. From there, he hopped a freight train to Deming, New Mexico where he filed a homestead claim.

On April 1, 2024, I along with my mother, father, husband and dog launched a trip to retrace most of his trip as closely as we can with our RV travel trailers. Follow our adventures by subscribing to the blog!

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"A mockingbird turns today's bug into tomorrow's song almost while you wait." 

 ― Roy Bedichek

Karen with statue of children holding hands in a circle.

Hi, I’m Karen

I'm passionate about making the world a better place. I like connecting people to each other and the natural world.

My hope is to extend the legacy of my great-grandfather Bedichek by bringing his humble inquiry & observation back to life and to a new generation.  I hope you are encouraged to "undertake adventures in nature" -- on your own, with a friend, with a child, with family. Let's explore, truly observe, commune with and fight for this big beautiful world!

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